So Emerson refuses to let me feed him. This is a less messy session. The other day I fed him spaghetti and noodles, but he and I were too messy to take a picture.
Wait what am I eating?
This Sunday he was getting molars, throwing up, had a fever of 102.5 and screamed for 24 hours straight. If I am thankful for anything, it is that it is over.
So we bought a previously owned home three years ago. And I have to say my favorite thing about it is the yard. The strawberry and raspberry patches. The fact that every year a new perrenial has come up that wasn't there last year. The clubhouse and sandbox. I am so grateful for the previous owner. I don't think I could have designed this beauty. I takes work but it is suprising that it isn't overwhelming. I think because there are so many plants that weeds can't get through.
So Emerson is tuff. We all knew it! Sad he is looking older in this picture.
Last weekend Drew's sister Anna had a bridal shower. It was cute how excited she was and I forgot my camera. Her wedding day I'll be sure to take tons of pictures. She is so opposite of the typical bride, everytime someone tries to nail down a detail of the day. She just says I don't care, i just want it to be like one big family reunion. Easy peasy.