Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Late Halloween Update

Here's what Emerson was for halloween. Charlie Brown. I was a goth chic but didn't have my camera with me then.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

A Utah man am I.

This is us last year after the game. Go utes

Monday, November 3, 2008

Missing my Preciouses

Get a load of my lovelies. They are visiting the paternal gramma and grammpa. And having a wild time. I am sure Em will have friend withdrawls when he gets home.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Em and his Cuz

So me and Emerson went to visit his very first cousin in Saint George as you can see he loves her. He kept trying to pick her up like a little doll. We had lots of fun playing in the water park and mcDonalds play place. That was the first time he went to a play place and I am surprised I never tried it before. The slides are all enclosed so I wasn't afriad of him falling like at the park slides.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Monday, August 25, 2008


So I am it and I am supposed to give six of my quirks:

1. My feet and hands are larger than my 6'3" husband's. Thanks to my dad's genes. I don't mind though I am actually pretty proud of it.

2. I like canned oysters. yum.

3. I have nightmares where I think people are in my house and when I wake up I think it is true. I will run out the room and hold the door closed until I can convince myself it is not true.

4. I am a geek. I love to read and don't mind taking a whole day to read one. I am good at math and science.

5. I only have brothers.

6. I have some problem with my ear canal so I have to constantly pop my ears.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Pet peeve

When your talking to people about a problem and they say something to the effect of, "you think that's bad, let me tell you!"

Pet peeve face

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Friday, July 18, 2008

indian prince

So my friend Satiya's parents live in India and she went to visit them this month. She ask me if she could buy Emerson an Indian outfit. No brainer here of course he wants one! Thanks for spoiling Emerson.

first bday



1. Has 12 teeth can eat anything put in front of him.
walks well
2. can stand up on his own in the middle of a room
3. loves balls ball is his first word
4. says ma ma da and knows what a book eat drinkgo outside poo
5. outright cries at the word no and will just do what he's not suposed to do even more
6. sleeps 2 naps a day
7. bedtimne 9 wake up 8 usually sleeps the night except when teething
8. doesn't have stranger or separation anxiety unless there is alot of loud people around
9. loves being chased
10. like to squwish bugs
11. loves noodles and rice
12. hates turkey and potatoes
13. loves water and hoses
14. hates big dogs
15. loves Irwin the little dog
16. Goes to sleep automatically when put in his crib.
17. If he is tired and wants in his crib he will put his binkie in and grab his blanket and walk over to mom and dad.
18. When hungry he'll find a tupperware with food in it and give it to me.
19. Love dunking basketballs with grandpa.
20. loves hitting soft screen tvs
21. can climb out of his port-a-crib.

Zoo trip

Emerson loved the zoo. His favorite animals were the turkeys. Maybe that's why he won't eat turkey baby food. He loves the things too much!

marc is home

Waiting impatiently

culture shock

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Brett's leaving

Adios. Hasta luego. Brett is in the MTC now. There were alot of home luxuries that he had to give up. I guess it is good he'll have a kiddie pool to swim in before going to the deep end if you will. He kept wishing Emerson would walk before he left. Emerson could probably walk 10 steps then fall. But Brett wanted him to walk without falling. I need to get the picture of Brett draggin Emerson out of the waterfall.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Anna's wedding

Anna was beautiful. It was so fun seeing all the family. I have been waiting for this day for a few months. Now I am not sure how I am going back to normal life.

The lovely couple

My studs.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

going indie

So Emerson refuses to let me feed him. This is a less messy session. The other day I fed him spaghetti and noodles, but he and I were too messy to take a picture.

Wait what am I eating?

This Sunday he was getting molars, throwing up, had a fever of 102.5 and screamed for 24 hours straight. If I am thankful for anything, it is that it is over.

He can talk the talk, but...

The yard.

So we bought a previously owned home three years ago. And I have to say my favorite thing about it is the yard. The strawberry and raspberry patches. The fact that every year a new perrenial has come up that wasn't there last year. The clubhouse and sandbox. I am so grateful for the previous owner. I don't think I could have designed this beauty. I takes work but it is suprising that it isn't overwhelming. I think because there are so many plants that weeds can't get through.

Let's play find Emerson.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Stud muffin

So Emerson is tuff. We all knew it! Sad he is looking older in this picture.

Last weekend Drew's sister Anna had a bridal shower. It was cute how excited she was and I forgot my camera. Her wedding day I'll be sure to take tons of pictures. She is so opposite of the typical bride, everytime someone tries to nail down a detail of the day. She just says I don't care, i just want it to be like one big family reunion. Easy peasy.

Friday, April 25, 2008

My skeleton in the closet

So, Drew works nights and sleeps days. This is very interesting while having a 10 month old babe. Impossible to keep quiet. And when he's crying to get his way, I have to let him cry. Otherwise I will have an out of control kid on my hands. I work and bring Emerson to work and it is amazing to see how different he is at work. He is a hellion compared to home. I think this is mainly due to the fact I don't let him cry at work. He always gets his way there in order to not disturb others.
That said, Emerson was being way loud yesterday. At one point I went into our bedroom to put away clothes. I couldn't find my husband. Turns out he went in and slept in the walk in closet so he could get sleep. I am seriously considering put some type of mattress in there.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Sweet Dreams

Last night Emerson woke me up. I went in his room and he was asleep. laughing his head off. I guess its better than having bad dreams.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Emerson over the months

I am going to put my favorite picture from each month

10 months

9 months

8 months

7 months

6 months

5 months

4 months

3 months

2 months

1 month

1 Minute: This kid had a full set of cheeks when he came out.

Crab mountain

So for my birthday me and my mom went to St. George. While we were there we went to mesquite and the all you can eat buffet. They had a mountain of crab I was going to take more pictures but I was way into the crab I forgot.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Tater Tots

Sunday I was minding my own business and a little monster bit my toe. I took me by suprise and I jumped. Well that hurt the little monster's feelings. He started crying and wanted hugs. So we rocked together until he fell asleep. Precious little monster. Yesterday we went swimming for the first time in his life. He was so cute he kept wanting to glide through the water. He is going to be a great little swimmer. Another funny thing is that if he isn't paying attention I can get him to stand on his own for 10 seconds. As soon as he realises what he is doing he falls right down though.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Perfect as a baby can be

There are some nights when I put Emerson in his crib and he just goes to sleep. No fuss no crying, just sleep. It is awesome. He is on a good schedule these days. He will wake up between 7am and 8am. Two hours later he will take his first nap. He will sleep for and hour. Then he takes another nap around 3pm. His bedtime is usually around 9pm. He has been sleeping the whole night, but since he is teething he will wake up about four times screaming. He has been doing awesome with solids since he was four monthes old. He has about 6 teeth now. He can eatcrackers pretty well.
I bring him to work on Wednesdays. He has been playing for about 1 hour of the time sleeping for two hours. The rest of the time he makes me hold him. Talking talking, blah blah. I think the end result of raising a child is teaching them to treat people kindly and be successful on their own.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Hawk and Frog

So Drew had a Mohawk for a day. I love that it is becoming spring. The family went outside to play in the warm day. This weekend I am going to St. George with my mom for my birthday. Say good bye to the early twenties. Emerson is onery, he is getting I thnk three teeth.

Thursday, March 13, 2008


Em has been testing out the sliding door. He can't figure it out. He delibrately banging his head slowly on the glass. I guess it is wierd to seem like you can keep going on through, then bam you hit something. Its like a windex commercial. Its weird to imagine what little babies are thinking. So much of our thoughts rely on prior knowledge.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Argentina, Cordoba

Brett, was called to the Argentina, Cordoba mission. I think He was completely stoked because Mike, Drew and Marc all speak spanish. They will all be able to communicate. I don't have pictures because I forgot my camera.

Emerson is being difficult today. He has a cold and won't go to sleep. even though it is the best thing for him right now. He has two front teeth in on the bottom and his "vampire teeth just came in recently. He also crawls pretty well now too.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Brett's people are calling

From where I don't know yet. He will read his mission call tommorow night. I think it will be some where in the eastern US.

Here is a picture of Emerson with Marc. he has not been able to see Emerson yet because is on a mission in Mexico. It is fun to pretend anyway.

Here is the last brother with Emerson. Mikey. He wasn't used to holding babies yet.

Boys 'n their toys

Poor boy Drew, his birthday is a day after Valentine's day. Usually he gets the two rolled up in one. My parents brought his present to our house. In the present was a letter that said look in the car for another present. In the back of their car was a big screen tv. Drew was estatic. He made a comment about how now alot of things in life are better now that he is the proud owner of a big screen tv. I guess our old 17 incher did need to go.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Ode to Ellen Greene

The first time a TV moment ever made me feel this way. Touches. I am actually blown away by how beautiful her voice is and how many levels it has.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Sleeping on pins and needles

The last two nights Emerson has woken up screaming at least 15 times in the night. Me and Drew couldn't figure out what was going on. The last month he has slept from 9pm to 6am straight. So this has been out of the ordinary. We thought maybe he was having nightmares. Well this morning I was feeling around for his binky and something poked me. I looked closer and realised it was a pin. Emerson had peed his usual blanket and I had gotten one out of the closet that hadn't been used yet. I think the whoever made it had put pins where they wanted to tie off the quilt and had missed taking out 6 pins. Poor little buddy no wonder he was screaming.